PCalc - The Best Calculator

TLA Systems Ltd.
Release date
July 11th 2008
5 Mb
  • Apple takes 50% off popular productivity apps in new iOS App Store campaign

    January 22nd at 1:31am / AppleInsider / 0 opinions

    In its latest iOS App Store promotion, Apple is for a limited time knocking 50 percent off a selection of 14 productivity titles like PCalc, task manager Things, second screen solution Duet Display and more.

  • “App Santa” Promo Drops Prices On 20 Top iOS And Mac Apps

    December 22nd at 9:03pm / TechCrunch / 0 opinions

    There are a number of holiday app sales now running as mobile developers slash prices in hopes of reaching potential customers who will soon be unwrapping smartphones for Christmas. But one of the better promotions, starting today, is called “App Santa” and involves a group of indie developers behind some of the most popular applications on the iOS and Mac App Stores. The group…

  • The best watchOS 2-compatible apps now available for Apple Watch

    September 22nd at 9:51pm / AppleInsider / 0 opinions

    This week's launch of watchOS 2 brings a whole slew of new features and capabilities for developers, some of which are already being taken advantage of by new Apple Watch apps. Here's a rundown of some of the best and most interesting watchOS 2 apps that can showcase the versatility of your Apple Watch.

  • Топ-10 лучших виджетов для iPhone и iPad

    February 28th at 9:42pm / Яблоневый Сад / 0 opinions

    Виджеты стали стали неотъемлемой частью iPhone и iPad. О том, что на «яблочных» гаджетах станут доступны интерактивные элементы пользовательского интерфейса, говорили еще перед релизом iOS 6, однако доступ к ним открыли только с выходом восьмой редакции iOS.

  • OS X Yosemite и iOS 8. Связаны как никогда. Приложения с общими виджетами.

    November 17th at 11:24pm / Яблоневый Сад / 0 opinions

    Mac и iOS. Связаны как никогда. Компьютеры Mac и устройства iOS сами по себе способны на многое. А вместе они просто творят чудеса. С новыми функциями в OS X Yosemite и iOS 8 ваши устройства открывают удивительные возможности совместной работы.» Так утверждает Apple на официальном сайте. Не согласится с утверждением невозможно. Лучшей совместимости устройств мир еще не знал. Пользователи, которые перешли на новые операционные системы, уже успели убедится в том, что их Маки, айфоны и айпады стали вообще...

  • App Store запретил и снова разрешил калькулятор с виджетом PCalc

    November 4th at 6:05pm / AppCompass / 2 opinions

    Недавно Apple неожиданно удалила из App Store очень популярное приложение-калькулятор PCalc, обладавшее новомодным после выхода iOS 8 виджетом. Как известно, iOS 8 содержит виджеты, и одним из первых у строронних приложений такой виджет пояился у PCalc.

  • В App Store разрешили виджет с калькулятором

    October 31st at 8:24pm / Яблоневый Сад / 0 opinions

    В последнее время Apple, как мне кажется, совершенно не оправдано шарахается из стороны в стороны. Можно припомнить уже несколько случаев непредсказуемых действий со стороны компании, которые связаны с новой операционной системой iOS 8. Например, то она выпускает обновление, то отзывает его. Особенно часто подобное происходит с приложениями, затрагивающими центр уведомлений. Вот случай, о котором я даже упомянул в своем последнем посте, когда приложение с калькулятором в виджете было сначала одобрено...

  • Developers of PCalc, Nomi run afoul of Apple's evolving iOS 8 App Store policies

    October 30th at 1:51am / AppleInsider / 0 opinions

    Apple's platform policies for iOS, OS X and their respective App Stores have occasionally irked developers or even wildly disrupted their businesses. The latest collision involves a retroactive ban on widget calculators and tightened WiFi privacy rules for iOS, as Apple issues new rules for apps using Apple Pay and TestFlight.

  • For app makers, Apple giveth widgets — and Apple taketh away

    October 29th at 9:44pm / Cult of Mac / 0 opinions

    When you live in Apple’s world as a third-party developer, you are required to play by Apple’s rules. And sometimes those rules are subject to sudden change. James Thomson, the developer behind the scientific calculator app PCalc, was notified today…

  • Get to know iOS 8: Customize your Notification Center with handy new widgets

    September 20th at 4:22am / Macworld / 0 opinions

    Among iOS 8's many new features are some cool ways to let you interact with your apps without actually having to open them. Interactive notifications are one example, and another is the brand-new widgets available in Notification Center. Apple is a little late to this game—Android has had widgets for years, and users can put them right on their home screens—but at least what we have is both elegant and functional....

  • Apple's iOS App Store puts 20 productivity titles on sale for limited time

    August 8th at 7:51am / AppleInsider / 0 opinions

    Apple on Thursday kicked off a limited-time-only promotion for select iOS productivity apps, including popular titles like Scanner Pro, Fantastical 2 and Writer Pro.

  • Adobe ups Revel photo storage to 2GB, PCalc gets a new core

    May 27th at 10:31pm / AppleInsider / 0 opinions

    Family photo sharers now have more room to upload photos for free after Adobe increased the storage limit for its Revel service, while popular universal calculator app has received a major update that includes a new calculator core.

  • PCalc 3 review: Standout iOS calculator gains programmability and polish

    March 4th at 9:42pm / Macworld / 0 opinions

    The basic Calculator app that comes with iOS is good for simple calculations, and if you rotate your phone into landscape orientation, it even provides some rudimentary scientific-calculator functions. But if it’s a full-featured scientific calculator you seek—or if you’d just like a great calculator for your iPad, which inexplicably doesn’t include one—you’ll want to look elsewhere....

  • App Santa Brings Deep Discounts to Top iOS Apps

    December 23rd at 1:05am / Mashable / 0 opinions

    Just in time for the holidays, a new iOS app sale called App Santa is offering users deep discounts on some of the best paid iOS apps of this year. App Santa is a collaboration between ten indie iOS developers, with each offering up to a 60% discount on their respective iOS apps. The apps in the list include several of those highlighted in Apple's own Best of 2013 list, as well as some of Mashable's picks for apps that look great on iOS 7.

  • Shadow Puppet Lets You Create Helpful Tutorial Videos on Your iPhone

    September 29th at 8:05am / Mashable / 0 opinions

    Sometimes an explanation requires more than just words. A new iPhone app called Shadow Puppet lets users generate narrated tutorial videos or photo slideshows straight from their phone. See also: Top 25 Free iPhone Apps of All Time Users simply select images from their library, arrange them in the order they wish to share them, and use the phone's voice recorder to narrate the slideshow as it plays.

  • Ten apps every iPhone 5s and 5c user should own

    September 25th at 5:22pm / Macworld / 0 opinions

    There are many thousands of apps. Whatever your goal, as Apple’s erstwhile advertising campaign proclaimed, “There’s an app for that.” But some apps are simply must-haves—whether for their functionality, their interface brilliance, or just their entertainment factor. Here are ten apps your new iPhone shouldn’t be without....

  • 20 Apps That Look Great on iOS 7

    September 19th at 10:25pm / Mashable / 0 opinions

    Apple released iOS 7 on Wednesday, and debuted a huge visual overhaul along with it. Heavily textured backgrounds and dark colors are out, while soft gradients, thin sans-serif fonts and bright, bold hues are in. After looking at apps designed for iOS 6, Apple's latest operating system immediately seems out of place. Fortunately, many developers spent the better part of the summer preparing their apps to look at home on iOS 7.

  • The Week in iOS Apps: Things to do, things to do

    September 21st at 9:30am / Macworld / 0 opinions

    If you’re reading this, there’s a decent chance you got up early this morning for Apple’s version of Christmas Day—the launch of the iPhone 5. The phone is cool, of course, but apps are what make it useful and fun. This week’s roundup of new and updated apps includes apps for gaming, apps for grocery shopping—and a navigation app that takes advantage of changes to the phone’s native Maps app....

  • pCalc Dev Defiantly Releases Update In Face Of Lodsys Patent Troll Threats

    May 13th at 1:30pm / Cult of Mac / 0 opinions

    After indie dev James Thomson was threatened with a lawsuit earlier today by a patent troll called Lodsys for using Apple’s in-app purchase mechanism in his pCalc iOS app, his first instinct was to play things cautious and not release the update scheduled for today. Several hours later, though, and Thomson is feeling bolder: he’s decided to release the update to pCalc anyway. But will the other devs hit with shakedowns today be so plucky and defiant?

  • Facebook Shares Equal Free Software Licenses in New iPad App Promotion

    July 13th at 3:35pm / Mashable / 0 opinions

    Today Tapbots, makers of iPhone utility apps Pastebot and Convertbot, have released their latest application, Calcbot for the iPhone and iPad. The $0.99 app..

  • PCalc for iPhone and iPad

    May 13th at 8:40pm / Macworld / 0 opinions

  • iPhone calculator app takes steps to save the children

    October 1st at 10:58am / TechCrunch / 0 opinions

    Oh, TLA Systems, you clever, clever bastards. As we all learned from that one awkwardly-mature kid in our first grade class, there is a glaring fault in nearly every calculator ever made: they double as a means of smuggling smut into the classroom. In an otherwise sterile and pure environment, these tools allow for children (CHILDREN!) to be corrupted (and to subsequently corrupt each other) by displaying words such as “BOOBIES” and “HELL” simply by punching in a series of numbers and turning the calcul...