Next Keyboard - Beautiful Themes, New Emojis & Stickers

Tiny Hearts Limited
Release date
June 13th 2015
44.9 Mb
  • Яблочки по выходным. Выпуск # 52

    October 4th at 11:16am / Яблоневый Сад / 0 opinions

    Представляем вам очередной  выпуск нашей рубрики «Яблочки по выходным». Напомню, что в этих подборках приложений мы стараемся потчевать вас только: а) самыми свежими; б) самыми красивыми (отличающимися приятным и современным интерфейсом; в) самыми сочными и вкусными (реально полезными пользователям) яблочками, то есть приложениями для наших любимых айфонов и айпадов. Отбираем мы их вручную, критерий отбора приложений - свежие, красивые, сочные, вкусные!  

  • 5 can't-miss apps: Simply Piano, Skype, Threads and more

    September 6th at 3:25am / Mashable / 0 opinions

    This week's list includes a redesigned Skype, a clever way app to make up your own text threads and an app to help you learn to play piano.

  • Next’s Clever New iOS Keyboard Has Almost Everything You Want

    September 3rd at 5:43pm / TechCrunch / 0 opinions

    Ever since Apple introduced support for custom keyboards in iOS 8, third-party developers rushed in to fill the void with keyboards that offered an array of features like predictive emoji, easy access to GIFs, swipe-based input, and more. Today, another new contender is throwing its hat into the now-crowded ring: Next, a skinnable custom keyboard that offers predictive typing, fast…

  • Is this your 'Next' iPhone keyboard?

    September 3rd at 4:09pm / The Verge / 0 opinions

    When iOS 8 was announced at WWDC ’14, one of its most exciting features was that it gave users the option to install third-party keyboards. Since then we’ve seen a lot of options emerge, including Swype, SwiftKey, Fleksy, and Minuum. Today, after a year in the making, Next Keyboard is joining the ranks....