Normal: Battery Analytics

Kuro Labs, Inc.
Release date
August 15th 2014
5 Mb
  • Find Out Which Apps Are Draining Your iPhone's Battery

    August 22nd at 9:45am / Mashable / 0 opinions

    Normal tells you which apps drain your battery quickest.

  • Normal: краудсорсинговая утилита для экономии зарядки

    August 21st at 5:25pm / AppCompass / 0 opinions

    Краудсорсинг — тема сегодня популярная, как и все, что имеет приставку «крауд». Есть краудсорсинговый навигатор (Waze), краудсорсинговые метеорологические и социальные сервисы. Новое приложение Normal: Battery Analytics представляет собой утилиту, заботящейся о производительности вашего iPhone, экономии заряда батареи и оптимизации его...

  • Which Apps Are Eating Your Battery? Normal Will Tell You.

    August 16th at 12:03am / TechCrunch / 0 opinions

    Somewhere, somehow, maybe less than a year after I got the latest version of my iPhone, its battery would mysteriously deplete in about half a day.I wasn’t really sure why. But now I can find out.There’s a new app called ‘Normal’ out from a pair of Stanford Ph.Ds in computer science named Adam Oliner and Jacob Leverich, who are turning some postdoctoral research into…