The Converted by Ideon

Ideon AS
Release date
August 13th 2013
1.4 Mb
  • iPhone Apps of the Week: The Converted, Flickr, Blackbar, and More

    August 30th at 6:00pm / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    It's Friday night, and you know what that means: we've got a fistful of apps for you and your iPhone. Which is a lot like a fistful of dynamite, without the explosions. A fistful of dynamite apps! Yeah!...

  • iPad Apps of the Week: The Converted, Blackbar, ReadQuick, And More

    August 30th at 6:00pm / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    The best weekend of the end of summer is nearly here! Or already here, if you're the kind of person who knocked off work before 6pm. Or not here at all if you work weekends. Anyway, in honor of Labor Day, we labored all week to find you the best iPad apps. Dig in!...

  • The Converted for iOS: A Conversion App That Gives You Context

    August 28th at 6:00pm / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    While this generally goes unsaid, the internet has become a huge crutch—but more than that, we're pretty much blind without it. What do you do when you need to convert meters to feet? Hit a few buttons on your keyboard and bam, Google tells you all you need to know. But the thing is, you're not really gaining anything from having a contextless answer spit at your eyeballs. The Converted can help where Google fails....