Tinder - Dating & New Friends

Tinder Inc.
Release date
August 3rd 2012
180.3 Mb
  • Tinder taught us that swiping right is the best/worst thing to happen to dating

    May 1st at 8:05am / Mashable / 0 opinions

    Why get to know a person when you can just swipe right?

  • Какое приложение для знакомств самое лучшее. Реальный тест

    February 13th at 9:00am / iPhones.ru / 0 opinions

    Скачали все, знакомились две недели – вот выводы.

  • Как найти свою любовь с помощью Apple TV

    December 17th at 10:00am / AppleInsider.ru / 0 opinions

    Психологи говорят, что поиск второй половинки или простого развлечения на одну ночь пройдут куда эффективней, если будет проходить под присмотром опытного пикапера или просто более авторитетных друзей и родственников. Похоже, именно этими соображениями руководствовались разработчики популярнейшего сервиса знакомств, который на днях стал официально доступен для Apple TV.

  • Tinder избавляется от несовершеннолетних пользователей

    June 9th at 9:05pm / AppCompass / 0 opinions

    Сервис знакомств Tinder заблокирует всех пользователей до 18 лет, сообщили в пресс-службе сервиса.

  • Tinder сообщил о миллионе платных подписчиков

    May 6th at 11:05am / AppCompass / 0 opinions

    Приблизительно за год с начала введения платных функций, социальный сервис Tinder отрапортовал о миллионе платных подписчиков, что говорит о 3 миллионах долларов прибыли ежемесячно, исходя из стоимости подписки Tinder Plus.

  • Tinder Social alarms users by showing Facebook friends

    April 28th at 6:02pm / Macworld / 0 opinions

    Turns out some people want to keep their online dating habits private.

  • Tinder Makes Messaging More Fun With GIFs & Bigger Emoji, Finally Lets You Upload Photos Directly

    January 28th at 7:03pm / TechCrunch / 0 opinions

    Tinder users will now have better chatting tools, thanks to an upgraded messaging experience in the mobile dating app. Amid a flurry of changes that began rolling out last night to the iOS application, Tinder added support for sending your matches GIFs. It also upgraded the size of emoji in chat and lets you “like” the individual messages you received from a match. On the…

  • Tinder now lets you send GIFs to your matches

    January 28th at 4:29am / The Verge / 0 opinions

    Tinder just released a pretty major update that allows hopeful singles to send GIFs to their matches using the dating app. Thankfully, you can't just send any old GIF to a total stranger; you're limited to whatever's available through Giphy. So consider this a last ditch move when you're really struggling to come up with that first message. If you lack any semblance of creativity or inspiration, Tinder will even help you out and surface which GIFs are currently trending. GIFs are located next to the...

  • The 10 best lifestyle iPhone apps of all time

    December 17th at 4:05pm / Mashable / 0 opinions

    A look at the best lifestyle apps ever made for the iPhone, based on our list of the 100 best iPhone apps of all time.

  • Tinder now lets you swipe through Instagram photos of potential matches

    April 15th at 5:49pm / The Verge / 0 opinions

    With an update rolling out today, Tinder will now let you swipe through recent Instagram photos belonging to your prospective matches. Up to 34 photos (and videos) are visible, and Tinder's users will be able to tap on those Instagram shots to see your full profile — assuming it's public. If not, The Next Web reports that you'll be able to give Tinder full access to your Instagram profile while keeping other apps and users out. That creates a weird mishmash of privacy settings, but at least the...

  • Коллекция бесплатных приложений для iOS ко Дню всех влюбленных

    February 12th at 11:39am / Яблоневый Сад / 0 opinions

    День Святого Валентина уже в эту субботу, 14 февраля. Вы все еще не знаете, как его провести и что подарить своей второй половинке? В подборке, которую подготовил Apptraktor, а мы ее немного дополнили, содержатся лучшие приложения, которые придут вам на помощь в этот день.

  • An undo button is finally coming to Tinder, but you'll have to pay for it

    February 2nd at 4:08pm / The Verge / 0 opinions

    Paid features for dating app Tinder that will let you undo accidental rejections and search for people in different areas are one step closer to arriving in the US. Today, Tinder accidentally released an update to its iOS app noting that both features — which were announced back in November — were present in its latest build, however those mentions were quickly retracted. Speaking to TechCrunch, Tinder now says that it's on track to bring both items to its app in the US by mid- to late-March,...

  • Куда бежать, когда ВКонтакте снова упадет? Пять перспективных соцсетей

    July 28th at 11:30pm / iGuides.ru / 0 opinions

    Вчерашнее четырехчасовое падение стен ВКонтакте и сегодняшняя пропажа лайков наглядно продемонстрировали, что в этом мире нет ничего вечного и на сто процентов надежного.

  • Tinder — найти себе пару теперь очень просто

    June 10th at 9:29pm / Яблоневый Сад / 0 opinions

    Уже давно стали привычными текстовые приложения вроде Skype, Viber и Tango, где кроме переписки, еще появилась возможность совершать видеозвонки. Кроме того, мы привыкли и к обычным социальным сетям, вроде ВКонтакте или Twitter, где также есть возможность общаться, но там еще создается целое портфолио из фотографий, аудиозаписей, информации и проч. И вот все чаще стали появляться новые, упрощенные социальные сети, созданные специально для тех, кто желает пообщаться, но не хочет тратить время на...

  • Need A Quick Answer? Pop Lets You Take Two Photos, Poll Your Friends

    February 26th at 11:43pm / TechCrunch / 0 opinions

    Do you have trouble making decisions? Do you to get your friends’ input on a bunch of things? Are you 15 years old? Then you might like Pop, a new iPhone application today making its official debut, which lets you quickly ask your friends for feedback by sending them two photos. Basically, Pop is a simple voting app with a more limited number of choices compared with other social polling…

  • Jelly’s Novelty Wears Off, But Long-Term Potential For A Mobile #Lazyweb Remains

    January 22nd at 11:23pm / TechCrunch / 0 opinions

    Let's get this out of the way up front: I was prepared to dislike Jelly after its reveal. After all, when Twitter co-founder Biz Stone described the new startup as experiment designed to "make the world a more empathetic place," - yes, a mobile Q&A service - it's hard not to roll your eyes. And if you look at some of the usage in Jelly's first days, it's at least equal parts enlightening and…

  • The Best iOS And Android Apps Of 2013

    January 2nd at 12:23am / TechCrunch / 0 opinions

    Congratulations, Planet Earth! We made it another 365 days without crashing into the sun. Go team!    It’s the end of the year, and that means three things: booze, ridiculous sunglasses with numbers on them, and lists. Lots and lots of lists. Up next? The Best Mobile Apps Of 2013.

  • 10 Apps for Freshman Year of College

    August 2nd at 7:05pm / Mashable / 0 opinions

    Welcome to college. It's a world where careful planning means sleeping until noon every day and no outfit is too skimpy for a Halloween party. It's a place of eternal pajama pants, Ramen noodles that flow like the proverbial milk and honey of the Promised Land, all-nighters and flip cup championships. We know you were too cool for school in senior year, but you still have a way to go before mastering your new domain.

  • 5 Dating Apps to Find Last-Minute Valentine’s Love

    February 13th at 9:31pm / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    Valentine's Day—that cherished celebration of love and its joyful bounty—is just around the corner. But for the lonely-hearts littered across the country, seeing couples enjoying all the love and the happiness and the not-being-perpetually-alone-for-eternity can, perhaps, pour a little salt on a long-standing wound....

  • Tinder: Finding Traction On Campuses, Hatch Labs’ New Dating App Makes It Easy To Break The Ice

    January 4th at 9:03am / TechCrunch / 0 opinions

    Regardless of what you think about digital dating sites, they encourage us to close our computers and get out there and meet new people. In short, they bring people together. The problem is, of course, that there are infinite variations on social and mobile dating, from compatibility engines and social, Facebook-based platforms to game-ified bracelets and live video dating. Then there are the…