Timegg Pro

John Jung
Release date
April 3rd 2012
30.7 Mb
  • Daily App Deals: Get AppZilla 2 for iOS for Free in Today’s App Deals

    May 24th at 9:30pm / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    The Daily App Deals post is a round-up of the best app discounts of the day, as well as some notable mentions for ones that are on sale. AppZilla 2 - 120 in 1! (iTunes) Previously 99¢, now Free. AppZilla 2 for iOS is every app: trackers, measures, cameras, counters... It's in there. This exhaustive all-in-one can save you from tracking down and installing that single-purpose app you need right now. With all these tools, maybe you could even level Tokyo. Get it for Free. (via LogicBuy) iOS iOS Mac

  • Daily App Deals: Get SoundHound Infinity for Android for $2.99 in Today’s App Deals

    May 3rd at 9:30pm / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    The Daily App Deals post is a round-up of the best app discounts of the day, as well as some notable mentions for ones that are on sale. SoundHound Infinity (Amazon Appstore) Previously $4.99, now $2.99. SoundHound Infinity for Android ensures you learn the name and artist of a song the moment you decide you want to learn about it. By opening up the app (or pressing the home screen widget), SoundHound Infinity will provide you with an abundance of information regarding the title of the song and name of...