
Sparrow by Google
Release date
March 15th 2012
11.1 Mb
  • Sparrow Flies Away, As Google Finally Pulls iOS And Mac Email Apps From Apple’s Stores

    February 17th at 6:43pm / TechCrunch / 0 opinions

    As Google sharpens the focus on its new Inbox email app, the company has quietly made another move on the email front: it appears to have pulled the Sparrow iOS and Mac apps from their respective Apple App Stores. Google, as you may remember, acquired the French startup Sparrow, including its staff, its email management apps and its technology, back in 2012.Google’s last cache of…

  • Приложения со скидкой на 14 февраля

    February 14th at 12:41pm / Планета iPhone / 0 opinions

    Практикуемая разработчиками приложений политика временных скидок позволяет нам порой скачивать самые лучшие и нередко дорогостоящие приложения по вполне приемлемой цене. В данной рубрике мы будем информировать вас о приложениях, ограниченное время доступных в App Store со скидкой.

  • Сравнительная таблица лучших почтовых клиентов App Store

    May 20th at 9:57pm / Проект AppStudio / 1 opinions

    Двадцатая сравнительная таблица AppStudio посвящена лучшим альтернативным почтовым клиентам App Store. Сравниваются: Gmail, Sparrow, Mailbox, Яндекс.Почта, Почта, Seed Mail, Yahoo! Почта, Outlook Webmail for iOS, Mail Pilot, Birdseye Mail.

  • Tweetie & Letterpress Creator Will Let Anyone Use ‘Pull To Refresh’ Unless They Are A D*ck

    March 18th at 9:44pm / Cult of Mac / 0 opinions

    Loren Brichter is a legend amongst iOS developers. The 28 year old developer is the creator of Tweetie, which eventually became the official Twitter app. He’s the guy behind fan favorite word game Letterpress. He’s the creator of ‘Pull To Refresh’, cell swipe and slide-out panels that have become synonymous features in mobile app development. Yet few people who aren’t app and design junkies even know who he is.

  • Mailbox for iPhone: a next-generation email app inspired by Sparrow and Clear

    December 15th at 1:09am / The Verge / 0 opinions

    Cloud to-do list company Orchestra today announced Mailbox, an email client for the iPhone it's been building for the last year. I’ve been testing Mailbox for the last few weeks and it’s nothing short of spectactular. It’s the best (and certainly the most modern) Gmail client for iPhone since Sparrow, and operates on a simple premise: how do you turn the mobile email inbox into a to-do list, but in a non-obtrusive way? The app feels like a combination of Sparrow and Clear — a beautifully designed...

  • Gmail for iOS relaunches with sleeker interface, new features

    December 4th at 11:29am / Macworld / 0 opinions

    Google on Tuesday relaunched its official Gmail app for iPhone and iPad, redesigning it with a sleeker user interface and an overall increase in, well, the app’s Googleness....

  • This Week’s Must-Have iOS Apps: HERE Maps, Stream, Sayonara & More

    November 25th at 6:00am / Cult of Mac / 0 opinions

    Kicking off this week’s must-have apps roundup is Nokia’s great new mapping app called HERE Maps. It’s accompanied by an awesome client called Stream, a great new app that tracks who stopped following you on Twitter, and more.

  • 7 Apps You Don't Want to Miss

    November 24th at 5:30pm / Mashable / 0 opinions

    It can be tough to keep up with all the new apps released every week. But you're in luck -- we take care of that for you, creating a roundup each weekend of our favorite...

  • The Week in iOS Apps: Holiday! Celebrate!

    November 23rd at 9:40am / Macworld / 0 opinions

    This week’s roundup of iOS apps includes new and improved ways to make the holidays more enjoyable, and maybe a bit less lonely....

  • Sparrow Gets iPhone 5 and Passbook Support

    November 21st at 10:26pm / The Next Web / 0 opinions

    The much-loved email client Sparrow has today been updated with support for the iPhone 5′s larger screen and Apple’s Passbook. The update, noticed by reader Matt Gibstein, should be available to you now....

  • Sparrow for iPhone updated with iPhone 5, Passbook support

    November 21st at 9:54pm / The Verge / 1 opinions

    Sparrow for iPhone may be considered abandonware at this point, but its developers did promise to update it for the iPhone 5's larger display, and today they did just that. The updated version of the email client now takes full advantage of the iPhone 5's extra pixels, allowing you to see more emails in your inbox and more of your messages at once....

  • 'Letterpress' for iOS: Tweetie creator emerges from year of silence with addictive word game

    October 24th at 3:40pm / The Verge / 0 opinions

    Almost one year ago Loren Brichter left Twitter, largely leaving the public eye "to figure out what's next." But before he left, he adapted his award-winning Tweetie to become Twitter for iPhone and Mac, and crafted the beloved Twitter for iPad. Brichter's user interface paradigms (like swipe-across menus and "pull-to-refresh") served as inspiration for popular apps like Path, and like Sparrow, which he advised until it was acquired by Google. "He has influenced the way apps are designed more than...

  • Подарки Google: Chrome уже обновили под iPhone 5, а Sparrow — собираются обновить

    September 25th at 3:26am / / 0 opinions

    Начиная с четверга на нас сыпятся и сыпятся апдейты софта с поддержкой iOS 6 и разрешения 1136x640 на новом iPhone 5. Разработчики подсказывают нам, что оптимизировать приложения под 4-дюймовый дисплей совсем не сложно, плюс тот факт, что об этом разрешении знали задолго до презентации. В числе прочих, разумеется, решила подсуетиться и Google. Компания обновила свой суперпопулярный браузер Chrome [iTunes link], а скоро сделает ещё более широкий жест рукой....

  • Sparrow For iPhone Gets Google Chrome Support, Better IMAP Compatibility & More

    August 31st at 4:26am / Cult of Mac / 0 opinions

    When the Sparrow team announced that it had been acquired by Google back in July, the future of its popular email clients for Mac and iOS became unclear. We still don’t really know what will become of Sparrow, but its creators promised it would continue support its customers. Staying true to that promise, the team has updated Sparrow for iPhone for the first time since its Google acquisition, adding support for Google Chrome, better IMAP compatibility, and more.

  • Sparrow for iPhone gets ability to open links in Chrome

    August 30th at 7:41pm / The Verge / 0 opinions

    Sparrow for iPhone, everyone's favorite-yet-orphaned email client, has received yet another update today, despite the fact that the company claimed the app would not gain any new features. The latest version gains the ability to open links in the Chrome browser as well as Safari — a feature that will get heavy use around these parts — in addition to improved IMAP compatibility, better avatar support, and miscellaneous bug fixes. Google was the first company to follow its own guidelines for adding...

  • Sparrow for iPhone gets another update, now opens webpages in Chrome browser

    August 30th at 6:47pm / The Next Web / 0 opinions

    The super popular and technically abandoned Sparrow for iPhone has gotten a nice update despite its status as the castoffs of a staff now working at Google. The update allows…

  • Back To School: 5 Apps That Will Make You Fall (Even More) In Love With Your Phone

    August 9th at 3:01pm / TechCrunch / 0 opinions

    You’re heading off to college. You have no idea that the next four years of fun will fly by, likely leaving you jobless and in debt. You’re unconcerned with nonsense like that — you’re ready to achieve your dreams! You’re ready to party! You’re ready to meet your mate in life! But before you pack up the family van full of clothes, collapsible IKEA furniture and school supplies, there’s one thing you can’t forget to pack: your trusty smartphone. It’s the one thing that no college student — not a drama g...

  • Gmail for iOS Gets Push and More

    June 25th at 5:32pm / The Next Web / 0 opinions

    After months of…well…sucking, it appears that Gmail for iOS is finally getting some of the attention that it so desperately needs. The latest update brings push notifications, the ability to…

  • Почтовый клиент Sparrow получил поддержку POP и подешевел до $1

    June 19th at 6:49pm / / 0 opinions

  • Sparrow For iPhone Now Just $0.99 For 48 Hours

    June 19th at 6:16am / Cult of Mac / 0 opinions

    As I mentioned in my post about Sparrow for iPhone yesterday, it is by far my favorite mail client on both Mac and iOS. Despite a lack of push support — for now — Sparrow contains some really awesome features, which are detailed in my review. If you haven’t picked up this terrific app yet, now’s the best time, because it’s just $0.99 for the next 48 hours.

  • Sparrow for iPhone Updated to Support POP Email Accounts

    June 18th at 2:24pm / The Next Web / 0 opinions

    The developers behind the popular Apple-focused email client Sparrow have today pushed a new update for its iPhone application, bringing its mobile client on par with the desktop version with…

  • New Sparrow for iPhone Fixes Navigation, Localisation but No Push Yet

    May 30th at 10:14am / The Next Web / 0 opinions

    A new version of Sparrow for the iPhone has been released to fix a couple of important issues with the popular communications app, but there is no support for push…

  • Push Notifications in Sparrow for iPhone Will Require a Subscription

    May 15th at 1:47pm / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    The new Sparrow for iPhone update brings lots of new features, but unfortunately, push notifications aren't amongst them. Sparrow 1.2 for iPhone allows you to compose emails in landscape mode and swipe between email threads. The app is now also available in nine total languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Russian, and Chinese. Great! The downside is that the developer says it's been unsuccessful in petitioning Apple to get the VoIP privilege necessary to integrate push...

  • Sparrow получил русскую локализацию и ряд новых возможностей

    May 14th at 4:55pm / / 0 opinions

  • Sparrow for iPhone 1.2 adds landscape mode, label editing, swipe between threads

    May 14th at 12:34pm / The Verge / 0 opinions

    About a month after the launch of Sparrow for iPhone 1.1, a new version is hitting the App Store that brings a few much-requested features like landscape composing, the ability to edit/create labels, and swiping between email threads. It should be noted that landscape mode only works while you're composing email, and not while you're browsing your inbox. There's also localization in eight more languages: French, German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Russian, and Chinese. There are also a few bug...

  • Sparrow 1.2 for iPhone Brings New Compose, Label Features

    May 14th at 12:31pm / The Next Web / 0 opinions

    Popular iPhone email app Sparrow has received a new update, providing users with new features including landscape composing, the ability to create and edit labels and folders, vertical message navigation…

  • Sparrow For iPhone Gets New Features, Push Coming Later With Yearly Subscription

    May 14th at 6:29am / Cult of Mac / 0 opinions

    Sparrow for iPhone — the third-party email client that has left Apple’s built-in Mail app redundant on my device — has received another major update today, which introduces a number of helpful features and quashes a handful of bugs. One thing it doesn’t add, however, is that much-anticipated push support. That’s coming later, but you’ll have to pay for it.

  • Sparrow обновился до версии 1.1, Push на подходе

    April 4th at 7:50pm / / 0 opinions

  • Sparrow 1.1 for iPhone Brings Send & Archive, Push Coming

    April 4th at 3:05pm / The Next Web / 0 opinions

    Sparrow, the excellent mail client for iPhone, has been updated to version 1.1, bringing a host of new features, including a ‘send and archive’ feature and more. The Sparrow team…

  • The New Essential Apps March 2012

    March 30th at 11:30pm / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    iPhones. iPads. Android. We've updated all of our essential apps lists to include a few forgotten favorites, some long awaited arrivals and, as always, even more amazing apps. Check them out! If you want to jump to see the best apps in a specific platform, click here: The end of the month is here, and that means it's time to do a little housekeeping on our list of the absolute best iPhone apps. Who will be inducted? Sparrow: Finally, e-mail that doesn't suck. The biggest beneficiaries of Sparrow will be...

  • Sparrow

    March 20th at 5:30pm / Macworld / 0 opinions

  • Sparrow, или почему не стоит изобретать велосипед

    March 18th at 6:46pm / / 0 opinions

  • Boxcar Raises $150K, Preps Push Notifications Service For Developers

    March 15th at 2:54pm / TechCrunch / 0 opinions

    Real-time push notification service Boxcar, currently available on both iOS and Mac OS X, has just closed on a $150,000 seed round with Kima Ventures, bringing its total raise to date to $211,000. The additional funding will be used to grow the company’s consumer-facing services, expand to other platforms (Android in 2 months! Windows Phone!) and will aid in the company’s development of B2B products, we’re told. And yep, that means what you think it means: Boxcar will soon offer push notifications as a ...

  • Sparrow for iPhone: Finally, Email That Doesn’t Suck

    March 15th at 1:43pm / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    Email is an inescapable part of all our lives now, and as such, email apps are one of the most important aspects of any connected devices we have. They may not be the most exciting, but a good experience is absolutely essential. The iPhone hasn't always had amazing email experiences, especially when it comes to Gmail. Now Sparrow is on the iPhone and it doesn't disappoint. The biggest beneficiaries of Sparrow will be iPhone owners who use Gmail. Like Google's own "app," Sparrow brings support for...

  • Sparrow is Beautiful Mail Management for iPhone, With One Flaw

    March 15th at 4:15am / The Next Web / 0 opinions

    There are very few things that are more integral to daily life on an iPhone than mail. Everyone uses email. Your mom uses it, your cousins use it, your grandmother…

  • Interview: Dom Leca on Sparrow for iPhone

    March 15th at 2:40am / The Next Web / 0 opinions

    The new, hotly anticipated, Sparrow Mail app for iOS has been approved and is now making its way through the App Store. Our review is live here right now, but…

  • Sparrow for iPhone review

    March 15th at 2:38am / The Verge / 0 opinions

    The desktop version of the Sparrow email client debuted just over a year ago, offering excellent Gmail integration with labels, multiple accounts, and a Unified Inbox. It wasn't a huge change in how email works, but its cleaner, streamlined interface offered a respite from the busy Outlook or Mail desktop clients. Sparrow gained a dedicated following with users looking for a client for quickly clearing an inbox. New apps launch almost daily promising to forever disrupt how we read, shop, share, and even...

  • Sparrow For iPhone Email App Now Available In The App Store

    March 14th at 8:16pm / Cult of Mac / 0 opinions

    The highly-anticipated iPhone email client called Sparrow is now available in the App Store. The app costs $2.99 and promises an enhanced emailing experience. Flagship features include a unique and gorgeous interface, a threading system for messages, enhanced contact integration, better search, and more. If you’re ready to try something besides the default Mail app, Sparrow is definitely worth checking out.

  • The Best iPhone Apps

    October 30th at 3:00pm / Gizmodo / 0 opinions

    There's an ocean of apps out there. Whether you just got your iPhone and are feeling adrift or you're a salty old dog seeing what you might've missed, here are the absolutely essential apps. Twitter: Twitter thankfully didn't make too many changes when they gobbled up the already-great Tweetie 2 from Atebits—same clean interface, same Tweet swiping, and the same it-feels-so-good pull to refresh mechanism. Free. Facebook: The new, panel-based interface takes a little getting used to, but once you're...