Groupon - Deals, Coupons & Discount Shopping App

Groupon, Inc.
Release date
February 27th 2010
57.2 Mb
  • Groupon изменил название

    July 13th at 9:45am / AppCompass / 0 opinions

    Сервис скидочных купонов Groupon в рамках ребрендинга сменил название на Frendi. Новое название было выбрано по итогам специального конкурса, в котором участвовали пользователи сервиса, говорится в сообщении компании. Обновленное в начале июля приложение пока никак на это...

  • Groupon’s New Apple Watch App Alerts You To Nearby Deals, Lets You Buy From Your Wrist

    June 24th at 5:23pm / TechCrunch / 0 opinions

    Groupon’s deal-finding iOS application was updated today to include support for Apple Watch. Like many Watch apps, Groupon takes advantage of its ability to tap into a user’s location by way of their connected iPhone, then uses this awareness to alert you to deals available near you. Unlike with Groupon’s mobile application, whose home screen features deals in your general…

  • Шесть приложений для тех, у кого есть деньги

    November 30th at 7:37pm / Яблоневый Сад / 0 opinions

    Яблоневый сад предлагает подборку шести полезных приложений для iPhone, которые помогут следить за финансами, находить выгодные акции и преумножать свое финансовое состояние.

  • 25 Apps to Save You Money

    November 1st at 2:05pm / Mashable / 0 opinions

    Are you member of "Generation Procrastination"? If your savings account and retirement plan are gathering virtual cobwebs, you probably are. A recent retirement study by Scottrade suggests that Gen Y is getting way behind on its savings. The recession, mounting student debt and freelance or part-time jobs offering few employee benefits may be to blame for what one Scottrade spokesperson called that generation's laissez-faire attitude toward personal finances.

  • Apple Unveils Top Apps of All Time

    October 8th at 5:14pm / Mashable / 0 opinions

    As Apple's App Store nears 50 billion downloads, the company reveals the all-time most popular apps for iPhone and iPad.

  • Staycation, all the apps I ever wanted

    August 31st at 5:02pm / Macworld / 0 opinions

    Labor Day is the greatest weekend of the year—the entire point of the holiday is to have an extra day to take it easy. And while the airports and highways will be jammed with people trying to squeeze in one last trip of the summer, to truly take it easy you don’t have to go far from home. It’s time for a good old-fashioned staycation. These apps can make sure you have a great one without sweating too much over the planning....

  • OpenTable will enable diners to pay for meals through its iPhone app

    August 2nd at 5:11pm / AppleInsider / 0 opinions

    Waiting for a check at a restaurant may soon become a thing of the past, as online reservation giant OpenTable has begun testing its own mobile payments system, allowing diners to settle their tab directly from their iPhone.

  • App Store at 5: A Good Ride That Could Go on Forever

    July 10th at 6:25pm / Mashable / 0 opinions

    Apple's App Store remade the world of software and mobile and, as I see it, all for the better.

  • Top 25 Free iPhone Apps of All Time

    May 20th at 6:25pm / Mashable / 0 opinions

    Apple’s App Store recently hit its 50 billionth download. Since its launch in July 2008, the store has been the go-to place for mobile apps. To this day, mobile developers often choose to release their apps here first. Popular from the start, just seven months after the App Store’s launch, the store surpassed one million third party apps, many of those free.

  • Groupon Adds Global Search To iPhone, Android, Now Supports Android Tablets To Sharpen Up For Yelp, Foursquare Rivalry

    April 23rd at 9:01am / TechCrunch / 0 opinions

    Groupon’s VP of mobile, David Katz, says that it has been “business as usual” at the daily deals company since the dramatic departure of founder/CEO Andrew Mason. “We’re still just focused on shipping new stuff,” Katz told TechCrunch in an interview. Today, that includes news of updates to Groupon’s iPhone and Android apps: it is adding a universal search feature that will let consumers use the…

  • Version 2 of Groupon's iOS App Gets Rewards

    August 23rd at 6:10pm / The Next Web / 0 opinions

    Today, Groupon has launched version 2 of its iOS app, which is full of a bunch of new features as well as a new design. The app now has a…

  • App-ocalypse

    December 18th at 3:51pm / TechCrunch / 0 opinions

    There are over 500,000 applications for the iPhone and iPad, 300,000+ on Android and thousands more on other platforms. The average user has 65 apps installed on their phone (source: Flurry). Many of us have more. Entire businesses have been built to solve the problem of “app discovery” – that is, a way to supplement the limited app search mechanisms built into the vendors’ own application stores. This is primarily to benefit mobile app developers, who can’t get their apps found. The end results of thes...

  • Take Control Of Christmas With Your iPhone

    December 7th at 6:50am / Cult of Mac / 0 opinions

    With access to over half a million apps in the App Store, getting things done on our iPhones has never been easier. So instead of running around like a headless chicken this Christmas Eve in a desperate bid to buy gifts for all your friends and family, why not sit back, stick your feet up, and do you Christmas shopping on your iPhone? We’ve compiled a list of the App Store’s best apps for Christmas shopping that will help you plan, save, shop and send cards directly right from the palm of your hand.